Turning Interest into Action
The 804 Foundation was chartered in direct response to the members of West Shore Lodge #804, Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio, who wanted to have a greater charitable impact on their community than the Lodge's budget would allow. The Lodge already had established a scholarship for graduating high school seniors entering college, hosted blood drives, donated funds to various charitable organizations, and hosted community-centered activities, such as an annual free Corn & Dog Roast and semi-regular car shows. By creating a wholly separate 501(c)(3) organization, these kinds of activities can be expanded in order to better serve the west shore communities of greater Cleveland, Ohio.
In May 2022, West Shore Lodge elected to form the 804 Foundation and elected a charter Board of Directors. The 804 Foundation was recognized as a 501(c)(3) by the State of Ohio in July 2022, and the 804 Foundation held its first fundraising event in August 2022.

Building Opportunities
The 804 Foundation is dedicated to raising and distributing funds to provide college scholarships for students in the west shore communities of greater Cleveland, Ohio; providing funds for community outreach and charitable donations in the west shore communities of greater Cleveland, Ohio; and providing funds for the maintenance, upkeep, and expansion of the facilities it uses to conduct business and perform fundraising and community-centered activities.